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Every Gift Makes a Difference in the Life of a Child

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Group of people, embracing on a sunrise hike | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy

Your donations matter. Here’s how our contributions are allocated:



coloring books for the waiting area



teddy bears for children at the end of an interview



tech supplies for our forensic interview recording system



art supplies for a therapeutic support group



dinner for one of the eight support group sessions — and we supply dinner at every session so families can worry about the important stuff, like getting their kid to therapy


Be a Guardian Angel
Donate $350 to cover the cost for one child to receive forensic interview and follow-up services. Sign up today!

A Sense of Childhood Restored? Priceless.

But the services that it takes to get a child there – those have real world costs. We rely on support from our community to meet those costs. From the moment we welcomed our first child to SungateKids for services, we made a commitment to providing those services completely free of charge so that no child or family would ever be turned away. On average, it costs $350 per child per forensic interview, and with each additional service, the costs grow.

Our Therapeutic Support Groups cost approximately $2,500 per session, and we offer more than 80 such sessions throughout the year. Each time we present our Prevention Program in a school, it costs approximately $1,000 – and just in the last school year, we presented this program more than 25 times.

With some organizations, it’s hard to know where your money goes. But with SungateKids, your donations go directly to funding programs that help children survive, heal, recover and thrive – and in so doing, recapture the childhood that was stolen from them by the abuse.

Dots | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy
Young boy running through sprinkler, smiling | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy