Support Us

At SungateKids, we never have, and we never will, turn away a child in need of services. And we don’t charge for our services. Ever. That’s our promise to our community. But we need your help to keep that promise. Learn more about all the ways you can support SungateKids.

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Dots | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy
Teen girl, smiling in field of grass | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy

Support Our Programs

Give the Gift of Hope and Healing

  • Investigative Interview Program – supporting children as they speak their truth and begin the journey of healing.
  • Family Support Coordination – ensuring that children and families have the support and resources they need as cases proceed through the system, and beyond.
  • Therapeutic Support Program – helping children and families heal, with individual and support group services.
  • Parent Coaching Program – helping families restore stability and routine after trauma.
  • SungateKids SafeKids Prevention Education Program – educating children and adults so we can stop abuse before it even happens and making our community a better and safer place for children.

Support Our Events

Spring Fundraiser

The 2024 Spring Fundraiser ran during the month of April. During Child Abuse Prevention month we raised a total of $77,216 to support our forensic interviewing, family support, therapeutic support and prevention programs

C-Suite for SungateKids

In this one-of-a-kind fundraiser, your company can support SungateKids AND secure a sales meeting with the Tech Executive of your choice at the same time.

C-Suite level tech company executives wanted a way to support the important work at SungateKids to help child victims of sexual abuse. Each of them donated a 90-minute meeting with the hopes that businesses will make a gift to SungateKids to secure one of those meetings.

Contact for more information about this exciting opportunity!

31st Annual “For the Children” Gala

Please contact to find out more about how you can help us continue the important work of helping victims of child abuse become survivors and thrivers through sponsorship of our 31st Annual Gala to be held November 2nd, 2024.

Dots | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy
Teenaged girl standing in a field | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy

Support Us in Other Ways

Support Us through Donation of Stock

SungateKids has partnered with to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes of less. When you donate stock, you can avoid capital gains tax and deduct 100% of the value of the contribution. That offers serious savings for you, while enabling us to receive larger gifts in the form of pre-tax donations. Everyone wins!

Click on the button below to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy.

Donate Stock Button
Dots | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy
Group of teens smiling & talking | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy

Support Us Through Your Donor Advised Fund

A Donor Advised Fund is an investment vehicle that anyone can set up specifically to distribute money to charitable causes. It’s easy to establish, and typically there are no start-up costs, beyond the individual’s initial contribution to the fund. There are many reasons to start a DAF, not the least of which is the tax advantage – donors may use the fair market value of any gift to the DAF in the calculation of their charitable income tax deductions.

If you have a DAF, please consider giving to SungateKids using this mechanism, because it is really exciting – for everyone! It’s a win-win-win: for you, it fulfills the purpose of creating a DAF in the first place; for SungateKids, it supports us in providing critically-needed services to child victims of abuse; and best of all, for the children we serve, it gives them the gift of hope – for a better, brighter, safer future.

For more information, and to access a Charles Schwab DAF, click here:

For more information and to access a Fidelity DAF, click here:

Contact Us
Dots | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy
Group of teens smiling & talking | SungateKids | Child Abuse Awareness, Support & Advocacy

If you are interested in making a legacy gift, adding SungateKids to your will, and/or donating a car, please contact us by clicking below to get started.

Contact Us