Helping abuse victims to heal, survive, and thrive

Investigative Interview Program:
Forensic Interviews and Victim Advocacy
Giving Voice To Truth
Since opening its doors, SungateKids has offered on-site forensic interview services for children ages 2 ½–18. Each of our highly-trained Forensic Interviewers has extensive training and experience and has interviewed thousands of children over the years. Likewise, our victim advocates, known as Family Support Coordinators, are highly trained and committed to making sure that victims and non-offending family members get the support and services they need.
Therapeutic Support Program:
Where There is Hope, There is Healing
SungateKids’ Therapeutic Support Program offers both individual counseling and therapeutic support groups for children ages 4–18. In addition, we offer a variety of support groups for non-offending parents/caregivers to assist them in supporting their child appropriately.

SungateKids’ Prevention Program:
Helping Stop Abuse Before it Starts
SungateKids provides comprehensive prevention education for children and adults that empowers them to talk about child abuse and related issues.
SungateKids offers two abuse prevention education programs: SungateKids SafeKids, a school-based program for children in grades 3-5, and SungateKids SafeTalks, a program for parents/caregivers of preschoolers to learn how to begin these important conversations.